Home Use
Many places across the globe don’t have access to safe drinking water, including technologically advanced countries. Even if your area’s water is treated, it still might be contaminated. Whether you don’t have reliable access to water or you want to ensure clean water, Aquatabs water purification tablets are the perfect solution.
Home Use
Many places across the globe don’t have access to safe drinking water, including technologically advanced countries. Even if your area’s water is treated, it still might be contaminated. Whether you don’t have reliable access to water or you want to ensure clean water, Aquatabs water purification tablets are the perfect solution.
When You Need A Plan "B" At Home
Small Towns
Sometimes municipal water in small towns isn’t as reliable as you would hope. Recent events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have highlighted infrastructure issues in the United States. Trust Aquatabs to keep your home safe.
Rural Areas
Aquatabs water purification tablets will ensure safe drinking water for those in rural areas where water can be scarce and unreliable. In just 30 minutes, your family can have safe drinking water which is free of bacteria, viruses, and giardia cysts.
Rain & Well Water
Rain & Well Water
Generally speaking, well water is safe to drink. However, both groundwater and harvested rain water can be polluted. Using Aquatabs water purification tablets to ensure safe drinking water is a good idea for those who aren’t 100% sure their water is safe to drink.
Contaminated water might be the cause of your livestock getting sick. Aquatabs products easily integrate into your current water distribution system making sure your water is safe to drink for both you and your livestock.
Small Towns
Sometimes municipal water in small towns isn’t as reliable as you would hope. Recent events such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have highlighted infrastructure issues in the United States. Trust Aquatabs to keep your home safe.
Rural Areas
Aquatabs will ensure safe drinking water for those in rural areas where water can be scarce and unreliable. In just 30 minutes, your family can have safe drinking water which is free of bacteria, viruses, and giardia cysts.
Rain & Well Water
Generally speaking, well water is safe to drink. However, both groundwater and harvested rain water can be polluted. Using Aquatabs to ensure safe drinking water is a good idea for those who aren’t 100% sure their water is safe to drink.
Contaminated water might be the cause of your livestock getting sick. Aquatabs systems will be able to easily integrate into your current water distribution system to make sure you are providing safe drinking water.

Aquatabs are approved by the EPA and
certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 60.
Aquatabs will lead to a 99.9999% reduction in bacteria,
a 99.99% reduction in viruses and a 99.9% reduction
in Cysts (Giardia) within 30 minutes, when used in
non-turbid water.
Aquatabs home solutions will disinfect
tens of thousands of gallons of suspect
water per cartridge.
A Home Backup
If you live in a small town or a rural area where your access to safe, clean drinking water is not a foregone conclusion then you understand the need to have a way to clean your own water supply. Boil alerts could even be a common occurrence that you need to be on the lookout for. You also may have a means to harvest your own water via rain collection or even from a well. Connecting that stored water up to your home’s plumbing is not all that difficult but having a safe and cost effective means to disinfect that water can be tricky. This is where our Aquatabs home solutions can help treat thousands of gallons of suspect water.

certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 60.
99.9999% reduction in bacteria,
a 99.99% reduction in viruses
and a 99.9% reduction
in Cysts (Giardia) within 30
minutes, when used in
non-turbid water.
Aquatabs home solutions will disinfect
tens of thousands of gallons of suspect
water per cartridge.
A Home Backup
If you live in a small town or a rural area where your access to safe, clean drinking water is not a foregone conclusion then you understand the need to have a way to clean your own water supply. Boil alerts could even be a common occurrence that you need to be on the lookout for. You also may have a means to harvest your own water via rain collection or even from a well. Connecting that stored water up to your home’s plumbing is not all that difficult but having a safe and cost effective means to disinfect that water can be tricky. This is where our Aquatabs home solutions can help treat thousands of gallons of suspect water.
Home Products
Aquatabs - Flo
Disinfect up to 47,500 gallons by easily connecting the Aquatabs Flo into your water tank to disinfect the water as the tank fills up.
Aquatabs - InLine
Connect the Aquatabs InLine on your main water line. From either a gravity-fed storage tank or on your municipal water line. disinfects up to 237,000 gallons on one cartridge.