5 Hidden Outdoor Adventures in the U.S.
By Marc Velicaria
From sea to shining sea, the United States boasts acres of natural forests, rivers, lakes, and stone formations for anyone to explore. Countless great attractions such as national parks and popular hiking trails are at the top of everyone’s lists of adventures. With nearly 1.9 billion acres of land, though, there is just so much more to see. As natural explorers, we humans are inclined to explore the unknown. The places listed below are sure to satisfy the curious minds of explorers alike. From an underground rocky adventure to a calm crystal-clear stream, here are five hidden outdoor adventures you can have right here in the United States.
1. The Tamolitch Blue Pool - Oregon

Otherwise known to Oregonians as “The Blue Pool,” this natural reservoir is truly one of the Pacific Northwest’s greatest hidden treasures. This exciting marvel is fed through natural underground springs. It also is fed by the Tamolitch Falls, which run throughout the summer. Accessible through two different trails, adventurers can opt for a longer, more scenic route. They may otherwise choose a quick cut through the brush, for those who want to see the pool but are short on time. After hiking your chosen trail, hikers will be met with a deep blue pool painted with a range of blues. Although inviting, it’s important to exercise caution in the iridescent waters. Averaging 37 degrees Fahrenheit, the water can easily put one into shock. But as ‘every rose has its thorn’, and as long as adventurers respect nature in this location, it can be a great day trip for anyone!
2. Ape Caves - Washington

For adventurers looking to escape the heat or just looking for a new type of scenery on a hike, Ape Caves in Washington State offers exactly that. Formed around 2000 years ago, the main tunnel of Ape Caves will take you through 1.5 miles of rugged lava-formed terrain and an eight-foot wall adventurers must conquer. After ducking under rocks, squeezing through narrow passages, and stumbling in the dark, hikers will be met with a 1.3-mile trail that loops back around to the main entrance of the cave. Hikers are welcome to start the adventure on either end. This hike does get a bit strenuous, so we highly recommend filling up on water and bringing lots of snacks for the journey.
3. Cypress Gardens - South Carolina

When visiting the Southern region of the United States, the Cypress Gardens in South Carolina is a must-see. For anyone looking to be immersed in nature, these green trails will fill up your senses . These swampy marshlands also contain a great deal of biodiversity not seen in other regions of the U.S. The Cypress Gardens will allow visitors a chance to walk through different trails or navigate through the swampy waters on a paddle boat. Whichever way visitors choose, they will be met with hundreds of butterflies, cicadas, birds, turtles, and even wild alligators! Avid movie-watchers might notice that this was where a famous scene in the movie ‘The Notebook’ was filmed.
4. Stephens Gap - Alabama

Featuring a 143 foot waterfall and two openings allowing gorgeous sunbeams to pass through, Stephens Gap paints a magical picturesque scene. This incredible adventure will take you through a 1.6 mile hike through Alabama’s forests which lead directly to the main entrance of the cave. From there, hikers must bravely traverse the steep rocky wall in order to make it onto a ledge. While standing here, you will be able to see the bottom of the caves. You’ll be right in the center frame to get that perfect snapshot for Instagram! Unlike many of the sites listed here, this adventure is on private property and will require a permit in order to explore.
5. Red Reef Trail - Utah

For the final adventure on our list, we wanted to share an adventure often overlooked and fun for everyone. Located near Zion National Park and Snow Canyon State Park, the Red Reef Trailhead is a nearly two mile hike. It loops around historic canyon walls, through little streams, pools, and waterfalls. As you walk through the canyon, you can easily stop anywhere to catch little breaks. You may enjoy the cool shade and scenery anywhere along the hike. While taking a little break you might take notice of the unique formations of the rocks. You may even see some dinosaur tracks!
Take Aquatabs With You
Whether you’re visiting the United States or at home here, these trails highlight some of the hidden wonders of our beautiful country. In all of the locations we have recommended, there is nearby water. Water is an essential resource to bring on any adventure, as we cannot live more than three days without it. It may be a hassle to carry extra weight while exploring. Some hikers may opt to drink water at the locations they are visiting, but you may never know what’s in the water. A great way of ensuring water is safe is by boiling it, but if you’re in a pinch, Aquatabs water purification tablets will purify that water for you. By carrying a few tablets with you on all your adventures, you’ll be ensuring you’re not just prepared for the hike, but also for emergencies. Happy adventuring!